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This is where we share the journey.

5 Steps To Reconciliation

A common scenario in relationships is that, after a conflict or offense, one person wants to just move on as though nothing happened while the other feels there’s been no resolution. Is forgiveness enough? Is more required for repair and reconciliation? What would that even look like? These are the 5 steps to reconciliation.

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behavior, children, honor, respect, submission, wives Changing Us behavior, children, honor, respect, submission, wives Changing Us

An Accurate View Of The Proverbs 31 Wife

The “wife of noble character” in Proverbs 31 is held up as the standard of biblical wifeliness, and many wives have a preconceived notion that she is obedient to her husband, always pleasant, a stay-at-home homemaker, and that she does whatever it takes to make her husband and family look good. But just a brief look at the Bible passage paints a completely different picture.

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Forcing God’s Plan and Creating an Ishmael

Remember what happened when Abraham and Sarah tried to make God's plan happen before God's timing? They had a son named Ishmael who turned out to be the enemy of God's plan and who continues to work against all that God has planned. In what ways are you creating an Ishmael in your marriage?

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Being Complacent is Being Complicit With Sin

Do you find yourself exasperated by your spouse’s words or behavior? Does your child’s behavior frustrate you? Do you have a sibling or friend who always seems to need help? Are you still trying to earn the respect or love of a parent? Discover what to do when someone's sin affects you - and what happens if you don’t do enough.

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The Problem With Attachment Therapy

I’m stepping on some big toes here, but hear me out. Attachment-based Therapy has a major flaw. Whether you have anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, or disorganized attachment, you’re not going to get to secure attachment without this one key factor.

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Male Leadership (Aligning The Head of the Family With The Rest Of The Body)

There is a lot of pressure in marriages on men to be the leader and on women to be submissive to their husband’s authority. Both wives and husbands can struggle with what this really should look like and it can lead to pointing fingers toward who isn’t doing their job well enough. Let’s take the pressure off and help everyone live up to the way God designed them.

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Submission and the Heart of God

While many declarations have been made on the concept of submission, this article provides a fresh perspective on the word “submit” in the context of the character of God, providing a perspective to free those who are bound to the suffocating legalism that often accompanies the concept of submission in an unhealthy marriage.

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