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This is where we share the journey.
An Accurate View Of The Proverbs 31 Wife
The “wife of noble character” in Proverbs 31 is held up as the standard of biblical wifeliness, and many wives have a preconceived notion that she is obedient to her husband, always pleasant, a stay-at-home homemaker, and that she does whatever it takes to make her husband and family look good. But just a brief look at the Bible passage paints a completely different picture.
When The Love Languages Fail (And Love And Respect Isn't Helping)
Books like the 5 Love Languages, Love and Respect, For Women Only, and His Needs Her Needs aren’t for everybody. If you’re been hoping that a relationship book will make things better and it hasn’t, here’s why - and what to do about it.
Will God Ever Change My Spouse? (I've Been Praying For So Long)
Have you prayed for your marriage? Have you asked God to make your husband the man you know he should be? I’m sure you have. If you’re wondering when God will respond to your prayers, here’s when . . .
A Story of Emotional Abuse
Here’s what it feels like to be in an emotionally abusive relationship. This story is haunting but very real. If people don’t understand what your relationship is like, this might bring it to light.
The 4 Pillars of Biblical Womanhood
There are 4 pillars of Biblical manhood, why not 4 pillars of Biblical womanhood? Based on the areas that women tend to be weakest in, these 4 pillars inspire women to pursue the desire of God for their lives.
Help, My Spouse Is Angry (And So Am I)
The Bible says you shouldn’t let the sun go down while you’re still angry, but what if you feel like you have a right to be angry? There are two forms of anger - and how you handle each is different.
A Bible Wife Who Does Right When Her Husband Does Wrong (Can you guess who?)
Need a role model from the Bible who demonstrates how to be a good wife when you have a bad husband? Here she is!
Those Bible Verses About Wives (They might not mean what you think)
Do you keep going back to the Bible verses about wives, begging God to help you be that kind of wife? What if you’ve looked at those verses one way for so long that you’ve missed what’s going on around them? Let’s take a look at those verses and see if perhaps there’s something else there that just might help us truly be the kind of wife God wants us to be.