Have you tried to set boundaries with your spouse and, rather than getting cooperation or change, you get apathy or resistance? If your boundaries aren’t working, here’s why - and what to do about it.
Books like the 5 Love Languages, Love and Respect, For Women Only, and His Needs Her Needs aren’t for everybody. If you’re been hoping that a relationship book will make things better and it hasn’t, here’s why - and what to do about it.
So often I hear people say that they are seeing changes in their spouse. Slow down. Not so fast. When you think that someone is changing, here are some things to watch for.
How can you help your husband step up or tone it down when it comes to leadership? Men are designated as the leaders of their families and the head of the wife, but what if he isn’t leading well - or at all? And who’s to blame?
The Bible says “honor your father and mother” - but what if they aren’t honorable? What if they don’t deserve it? Is there an exception to that command? And, if not, how do you honor someone who isn’t honorable? And how do you teach your children to do the same?
It feels fake, forced, or unemotional. You feel like an object used to meet your husband’s desires. Do you have to have sex with your husband? What does the Bible say about the sexual relationship between a husband and wife?
Narcissism is a buzz word these days. As a Christian, what should our response be to a narcissist? The Bible gives three clear tips on dealing with narcissists.
It's hard to know how to forgive, especially when someone has hurt you over and over and there is no apology. If forgiving someone who has hurt you doesn't feel right or is not an option, this article will provide you with clarity about what the Bible really says about forgiveness and a solution to the anger and bitterness you feel.
There’s a reason your spouse acts like a child. The question is: when will they grow up? And what can you do to help when it seems like they don’t put any effort into it themselves?