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This is where we share the journey.

5 Steps To Reconciliation

A common scenario in relationships is that, after a conflict or offense, one person wants to just move on as though nothing happened while the other feels there’s been no resolution. Is forgiveness enough? Is more required for repair and reconciliation? What would that even look like? These are the 5 steps to reconciliation.

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Forcing God’s Plan and Creating an Ishmael

Remember what happened when Abraham and Sarah tried to make God's plan happen before God's timing? They had a son named Ishmael who turned out to be the enemy of God's plan and who continues to work against all that God has planned. In what ways are you creating an Ishmael in your marriage?

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The Best Gift Your Spouse Can Give You

Have you ever approached a holiday, occasion, or celebratory day and thought “All I want is for this day to feel special and not end with someone being upset”? Sometimes the best gift you can get from your spouse on a special occasion is something that isn’t tangible. Here are some ideas to help you get what you really want.

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