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This is where we share the journey.
Marriage: Covenant Or Contract? (And Why It Doesn't Matter)
Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. You hear that a lot. But what does that really mean? And is the accepted definition of the word covenant accurate? And does it matter? Let’s go to Scripture to find out.
Unity in Marriage (And Unity In The Church)
Unity. It’s what we’re told marriage is about. Two becoming one. But what does that mean? Agreement? Intimacy? Togetherness? Find out how we do a disservice to our marriage and the body of Christ when we get this wrong.
Parenting Teens (You’ll Incite Rebellion If You Do This)
A rebellious child and a strenuous marriage can both be linked to the same underlying problem. Get an understanding of what’s at the root of the problem and discover how boundaries and healthy relationships affect the success of your parenting and your marriage.
Justice (And How It Brings Peace)
It’s the chant of the protestors: No justice, no peace. Know justice, know peace. Here’s how to find justice and peace in your life and in your marriage.
Is It My Fault That He's Angry? (My Counselor Said I'm Enabling Him)
Wondering if your spouse’s anger is your fault? If you work at keeping your spouse happy so he doesn’t get angry, it’s important to know the distinction between enabling and causing his anger - and how to stop.
How Can I Know If My Marriage Is Getting Better?
Have you wondered how marriages can fall apart after years and years of being together? Has your marriage been to the brink and now you’re trying again to make it work? Are you wondering if it will last this time? Let’s explore what’s gone wrong and how to make it right.
What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Divorce?
When you’re faced with divorce, you want to know what the Bible really says about it. Many in the church say that the Bible says “don’t do it,” but is that thinking the result of living for God’s love or from it? Does God want us to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of marriage? Let’s search Scripture together to see what God says about the D-word . . . and what it doesn’t say.
Do You Always Have To Turn The Other Cheek?
Do you believe that you have to turn the other cheek, but you feel like that’s doing more harm than good? Does the Bible say we should ALWAYS turn the other cheek? If not, when are we to do that, and when should we not? Let’s search Scripture together to find out.
10 Biblical Principles For Relationships
As Christians, we tend to think we have supernatural powers to influence outcomes through prayer and spiritual disciplines. But what if we are just called to do the “natural” and leave the “super” up to God?