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This is where we share the journey.
Unity in Marriage (And Unity In The Church)
Unity. It’s what we’re told marriage is about. Two becoming one. But what does that mean? Agreement? Intimacy? Togetherness? Find out how we do a disservice to our marriage and the body of Christ when we get this wrong.
What Should I Do? (What To Do When You Want To Do The Right Thing)
Is what you should do always the right thing to do? In a culture where there is a lot of pressure to do what others think we should do, it’s hard to know. This article brings clarity about the distinction between what you should do and what it means to act rightly, especially as it pertains to marriage.
The One Question That Reveals What’s Wrong in a Marriage (And it’s not a marriage problem)
Are you a pastor or counselor who would like one simple question to ask that will reveal what’s wrong in a marriage? The answer to this question will forever change how you counsel couples. You can’t counsel unhealthy marriages as though they have the capacity to be healthy. Here’s what you should do instead.
When Trying Harder and Praying Aren't Making Things Better
Try harder. Pray more. Relationships should be mutual. But what if they’re not?
Don’t I Have to Submit to the Authority of my Pastor?
Are you giving authority to people in your life who do not guide you well? Do you have to submit to the authority of your pastor? What to do when “godly counsel” is making things worse.