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This is where we share the journey.
5 Steps To Reconciliation
A common scenario in relationships is that, after a conflict or offense, one person wants to just move on as though nothing happened while the other feels there’s been no resolution. Is forgiveness enough? Is more required for repair and reconciliation? What would that even look like? These are the 5 steps to reconciliation.
How to Get Through To Your Spouse
Frustration and resentment can build when you’re married to someone who doesn’t seem to see you or know you or care about you. So how can you get through to them and feel seen, known, and cared for? Let’s discover what your options are.
Marriage: Covenant Or Contract? (And Why It Doesn't Matter)
Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. You hear that a lot. But what does that really mean? And is the accepted definition of the word covenant accurate? And does it matter? Let’s go to Scripture to find out.
Being Complacent is Being Complicit With Sin
Do you find yourself exasperated by your spouse’s words or behavior? Does your child’s behavior frustrate you? Do you have a sibling or friend who always seems to need help? Are you still trying to earn the respect or love of a parent? Discover what to do when someone's sin affects you - and what happens if you don’t do enough.
The Problem With Attachment Therapy
I’m stepping on some big toes here, but hear me out. Attachment-based Therapy has a major flaw. Whether you have anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, or disorganized attachment, you’re not going to get to secure attachment without this one key factor.
Boundaries Aren’t Working? Here’s Why (And What To Do About It)
Have you tried to set boundaries with your spouse and, rather than getting cooperation or change, you get apathy or resistance? If your boundaries aren’t working, here’s why - and what to do about it.
8 Tips For Dealing With Unmet Expectations
One of the most frustrating things about a relationship is unmet expectations - when you expect your spouse to behave a certain way, and he/she doesn’t do what you expect. Here are 8 tips for how to deal with unmet expectations.
Marriage God's Way
What does it mean to do marriage God’s way? God is patient, gracious, kind, merciful, forgiving, loving, and compassionate, but there is so much more to being transformed into the image of Christ in your marriage than those “feel good” characteristics.
Submission and the Heart of God
While many declarations have been made on the concept of submission, this article provides a fresh perspective on the word “submit” in the context of the character of God, providing a perspective to free those who are bound to the suffocating legalism that often accompanies the concept of submission in an unhealthy marriage.
5 Signs That Your Relationship Is In Bigger Trouble Than You Thought
There are some obvious signs that a relationship is in trouble: A spouse having an affair, physical abuse, alcohol or drug addiction, or pornography use - but what if none of those are present and there’s still a sense that you’re stuck? See if you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs that your relationship is in bigger trouble than you thought.
For Men Only (Relationship Help For Husbands)
Are you a husband wanting desperately to do right by your wife and be a godly man? Men who want to improve their relationship approach their role very differently than their female counterparts (and for good reason - their role is different!). If you’re a man who is needing someone to understand your unique challenges, this article is for you.
How To Live In A Narcissistic Relationship
It is possible to live peaceably with a narcissist. Here are 5 changes you can make in order to stay together.
The Best Gift Your Spouse Can Give You
Have you ever approached a holiday, occasion, or celebratory day and thought “All I want is for this day to feel special and not end with someone being upset”? Sometimes the best gift you can get from your spouse on a special occasion is something that isn’t tangible. Here are some ideas to help you get what you really want.
When The Love Languages Fail (And Love And Respect Isn't Helping)
Books like the 5 Love Languages, Love and Respect, For Women Only, and His Needs Her Needs aren’t for everybody. If you’re been hoping that a relationship book will make things better and it hasn’t, here’s why - and what to do about it.
If You Think Your Spouse Is Changing, Here’s How To Know
So often I hear people say that they are seeing changes in their spouse. Slow down. Not so fast. When you think that someone is changing, here are some things to watch for.
Will God Ever Change My Spouse? (I've Been Praying For So Long)
Have you prayed for your marriage? Have you asked God to make your husband the man you know he should be? I’m sure you have. If you’re wondering when God will respond to your prayers, here’s when . . .
Are You Suffering For Doing Good? (Or Are You Suffering For Tolerating Wrong?)
It’s really hard to feel verbally and emotionally beaten down every day and still count it all joy no matter how you are treated. The Bible says that it’s commendable to suffer for doing good, but it’s really hard to endure. So let’s look at what it really means to suffer for doing good.
Are You A Peacemaker or a Peacekeeper?
Do you avoid conflict? You let others have their way just so that there’s peace? And yet there is no peace. That’s because you’re trying to KEEP the peace instead of MAKING peace. Don’t miss this key distinction to create peace in your relationship.
Can God Save My Spouse?
You’ve been praying for your spouse and tolerating their unloving behavior for a long time. Will God ever change them? God transformed Saul to Paul, could he do the same thing for your spouse?
When Your Husband Won't Lead (Or Doesn't Lead Well)
How can you help your husband step up or tone it down when it comes to leadership? Men are designated as the leaders of their families and the head of the wife, but what if he isn’t leading well - or at all? And who’s to blame?