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This is where we share the journey.
Is The Enemy Attacking Your Marriage?
To solve problems in marriage, you have to identify the problem correctly. We commonly hear that your spouse is not the enemy, but can you tell if it’s Satan attacking your marriage or if it’s something else? Let’s find out.
16 Reasons Why Bad Things Happen
When things get hard, it can help to have answers. Let’s explore 16 reasons that bad things happen.
How God Used Narcissists In The Bible (And Will Your Marriage To a Narcissist Last?)
Have you wondered how your marriage to someone with narcissistic traits is going to work out? What did God do with narcissists in the Bible? Find out how God uses the difficult people in our lives to show us how rich his love for us is.
Are You Suffering For Doing Good? (Or Are You Suffering For Tolerating Wrong?)
It’s really hard to feel verbally and emotionally beaten down every day and still count it all joy no matter how you are treated. The Bible says that it’s commendable to suffer for doing good, but it’s really hard to endure. So let’s look at what it really means to suffer for doing good.
A Time For Everything (Encouragement For Where You Are)
Find encouragement through these difficult times with this beautiful, heartfelt devotion to God based on Ecclesiastes chapter 3.
A Story of Emotional Abuse
Here’s what it feels like to be in an emotionally abusive relationship. This story is haunting but very real. If people don’t understand what your relationship is like, this might bring it to light.
Justice (And How It Brings Peace)
It’s the chant of the protestors: No justice, no peace. Know justice, know peace. Here’s how to find justice and peace in your life and in your marriage.
How Do People Become Narcissists? (And Abusive)
What causes someone to be a narcissist? If you are close to someone who uses control, gaslighting, manipulation, anger, yelling, physical violence, or any other number of control tactics, it can help to know how they got that way - and what, if anything, can make them change. .
Do You Always Have To Turn The Other Cheek?
Do you believe that you have to turn the other cheek, but you feel like that’s doing more harm than good? Does the Bible say we should ALWAYS turn the other cheek? If not, when are we to do that, and when should we not? Let’s search Scripture together to find out.
What’s REALLY Going on in Your Marriage (And how to start doing something about it)
Are you losing yourself to keep your marriage alive? What does it really mean to “suffer for doing good”? The answer might change how you think about love forever.