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This is where we share the journey.
Forcing God’s Plan and Creating an Ishmael
Remember what happened when Abraham and Sarah tried to make God's plan happen before God's timing? They had a son named Ishmael who turned out to be the enemy of God's plan and who continues to work against all that God has planned. In what ways are you creating an Ishmael in your marriage?
Should You Pursue Your Spouse The Way God Pursues You?
God's goodness is running after me. It's the line in a song, but is it true that God is chasing us down, pursuing you with his love? If God does it for you, then should you pursue your spouse the way God chases after you? Let's dig into Scripture to find out.
Being Complacent is Being Complicit With Sin
Do you find yourself exasperated by your spouse’s words or behavior? Does your child’s behavior frustrate you? Do you have a sibling or friend who always seems to need help? Are you still trying to earn the respect or love of a parent? Discover what to do when someone's sin affects you - and what happens if you don’t do enough.
The Problem With Attachment Therapy
I’m stepping on some big toes here, but hear me out. Attachment-based Therapy has a major flaw. Whether you have anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, or disorganized attachment, you’re not going to get to secure attachment without this one key factor.
My Spouse Is Like A Child
There’s a reason your spouse acts like a child. The question is: when will they grow up? And what can you do to help when it seems like they don’t put any effort into it themselves?
5 Signs That Your Relationship Is In Bigger Trouble Than You Thought
There are some obvious signs that a relationship is in trouble: A spouse having an affair, physical abuse, alcohol or drug addiction, or pornography use - but what if none of those are present and there’s still a sense that you’re stuck? See if you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs that your relationship is in bigger trouble than you thought.
Are You Suffering For Doing Good? (Or Are You Suffering For Tolerating Wrong?)
It’s really hard to feel verbally and emotionally beaten down every day and still count it all joy no matter how you are treated. The Bible says that it’s commendable to suffer for doing good, but it’s really hard to endure. So let’s look at what it really means to suffer for doing good.
The 4 Pillars of Biblical Womanhood
There are 4 pillars of Biblical manhood, why not 4 pillars of Biblical womanhood? Based on the areas that women tend to be weakest in, these 4 pillars inspire women to pursue the desire of God for their lives.
My Spouse Doesn't Want Me To Hold Him Accountable (Should I Stop Trying?)
Does you have someone in your life who has a problem with being held accountable? They don’t want to hear it. They get offended or angry. They tell you to mind your own business. And yet there are things they do that they shouldn’t do. How do you get them to see what they’re doing?
When Helping Isn't Helping (Fighting for Someone Who Won't Fight for Themselves)
You just know you can help people - even if they don’t even realize they need help. You’re a problem-solver, and you know what people need. But what if your help isn’t helping? What if it makes things worse?
Is Your Relationship Making You Depressed? (The Link Between Codependency and Depression)
Feeling depressed? You might not have considered that THIS is what could be wrong.
How Did I Just Describe Your Relationship? (What It's Like to Live With a Narcissist)
If this describes your relationship, I want to give you a reality check: you are right about the way he is. And here’s what to do about it.
Oppression and Victim Mentality (Who's REALLY The Victim?)
What should you do to help those who feel oppressed and treated unfairly? This article brings clarity and a perspective you might not expect.
Is It My Fault That He's Angry? (My Counselor Said I'm Enabling Him)
Wondering if your spouse’s anger is your fault? If you work at keeping your spouse happy so he doesn’t get angry, it’s important to know the distinction between enabling and causing his anger - and how to stop.
His Indifference is Destroying Our Relationship (Or is it me?)
If your husband is indifferent and doesn’t seem to care about your concerns, what can you do about it? Here are 3 ways you can spark change.
7 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Relationship (You definitely do #7)
If your relationship isn’t getting better even though you’re doing these things, they might actually be ruining your relationship. Learn what to do instead to make your relationship better, more mutual, and healthier.
3 Tips from the Bible on Dealing with Narcissists
Narcissism is a buzz word these days. As a Christian, what should our response be to a narcissist? The Bible gives three clear tips on dealing with narcissists.
The Wrong Response When Someone is Being Hurt
What’s the best way to respond to a bully? If you respond the wrong way, it does more harm. And bullies can grow up to be abusers.
How to Help Your Husband Be A Better (Man, Husband, Father)
Does your husband need to be a better husband or father? Does he suffer from depression, anxiety, or an addiction? Find out how to help him be a better man.
What If He's Not Worthy Of Respect? (I Can't Believe The Advice This Expert Gave)
You know that you should respect your husband, but what if he is not worthy of respect? A Christian marriage expert got it dangerously wrong, but there’s another way.